So I’m sure y’all have missed my posts, but its been a very busy few months for me and the household. I have moved across the country to a new home, a new sewing space, new sewing friends, and new adventures. I had to pack up the majority of my machines, the majority of my projects, and all of my fabric during the house staging time in the old house, and then wait to unpack them all in the new house. As of writing this, there are still a few machines waiting to be unpacked and find their place in the new house. But all in due time.
This was when they packed all my quilting fabric into the POD.
Here I have plenty of space for my machines, my quilt frame, and to separate
my clothing sewing area from my quilting and piecing areas. Its so nice to be able to keep my straight stitch machines in an area separate from almost all my zig zag machines (one will stay downstairs for times its too hot/cold/boring in the upstairs clothing sewing room.) And of course there’s 2 treadles in the living area upstairs because i couldn’t quite fit all the treadles in the sewing room. But still- almost all the machines are home!
As you can see, I still have plenty of machines.
I’ve also already done some Living History interpretation with my machines, at beautiful Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis. And I had the honor of speaking about feedsacks for the Northern Material Girls quilt guild in St. Paul. Its been great finding more people passionate about machines, and getting to share them. I’ve also been trying to finish the current quilt in the machine, so I can enter it into the Minnesota State Fair!

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be working on ramping the blog back up, cause I’ve missed sharing my passion with folks. This week I’ll be checking out a history of Garment making tools class, so I’ll definitely have to talk about that, and of course, update you on all the adventures I’ve already had!
Stick with me friends, the story keeps getting better. 🙂